About Us
Creating an inclusive Arts Community
Arts for Autism provides a variety of creative arts therapies, scholarships, and training for the Autism community of South Florida.
These programs are for all ages from Early intervention, Adult services, parent resources, and Spectrum Dance Therapy classes.

Our Story
Arts for Autism started off as a small business known as Spectrum Dance Therapy in 2013. Classes began in Miami Lakes at a therapy clinic and moved around to different studios from Miami-Dade County to Broward County. In 2014, Audrey Amadeo, the owner, decided it would be best to turn SDT into a non-profit organization. Once the Arts for Autism Foundation was established as a 501c3 donations began funding our scholarships. We were able to give out 1, then 3 then10 and now 30 scholarships every term.
In 2021, we partnered with the Town of Miami Lakes and began offering free SDT classes to the community. As our program grew in popularity more classes and programs were offered. The Arts for Autism Foundation has been able to provide scholarships for dance, music, yoga, gymnatics and summer camp programs throughout all their years of service.
Meet The Team
Our Supporters